Flight Attendant Makeup

When I’m on the plane, I’m always slightly confused about how to reply when my coworkers or passengers tell me my skin looks great… Do I tell them it’s makeup? Tell them it’s because I drink a lot of water? Most of the time I just smile and say thank you. As a Vermonter, I’m more likely to be self deprecating than I am to be graciously thankful, but I’m working on it.
The only reason I have any idea what to put on face is entirely because I was Miss Vermont a few years ago. Between YouTube videos, working with a variety of makeup artists, and experimenting with products (I have WAY too many VIB points at Sephora) I’ve developed a pretty decent makeup system, if I do say so myself. The airline doesn’t necessarily require Flight Attendants to wear a full face of makeup every day. Specifically, they ask that we wear mascara and maybe a little blush, because the goal is natural and professional looking makeup. 
Here are my Top Ten products that I use on a daily basis to achieve my FA makeup look: 

Why I Became a Flight Attendant

When I was ten years old, I realized that my calling was to become an elected official so that I could help people. Ever since, I’ve done everything I can to work towards that goal- Student Government, studying Political Science and History, participating in training programs for aspiring female politicians, interning for elected officials, working on campaigns, and even running for the Vermont State Senate at 22. 
In 2014, I was in the throes of the election cycle when I fully realized just how completely I dislike campaigning. The part of the political process that I enjoy involves helping people to exercise their rights of citizenship by voting, helping a constituent with an issue they have or an answer they need, or teaching young people about the political process. I do not like lawn signs, palm cards, rumors, or personal attacks. I really don’t like the way campaigns so often expose a cruel competitive side of the very people who should be leading the way for the rest of us. 
In the middle of that campaign a friend suggested I apply to be a Flight Attendant, a job I’d never seriously considered. I gave it some thought because I love to travel (third culture kid, right here), I genuinely enjoy people, and I didn’t want to get burned out on politics when I was just 24. So I applied with two airlines and after five rounds of interviewing I was very fortunate to be offered a position with a major U.S. Airline, one currently in the middle of a merger. 😉
When I began my four plus weeks of training at our facility in Dallas I thought this was going to be just another job- one that I might do for a year or two before the 2016 election cycle kicked into high gear. By the end of training and the completion of my practice flights it had become clear that this was going to be so much more than just a job for me. I love practically everything about this way of living- even the things I dislike are better than the things I loved about office jobs I’ve had in the past. I get to travel our country and the world, keep people safe, and often I get to help our passengers to feel more comfortable in a situation that makes them nervous or anxious. Flying with different people all the time to new locations is exciting- you meet some incredible people and experience some wonderful things…and I’ve only been at this for six months! 
One of the best things about it is the flexibility that comes with this job. I’m able to continue living in Vermont, and as I attain more seniority I’ll be able to continue my involvement in politics because I’ll be able to arrange my schedule to accommodate both of my passions. Vermont has already had a Lieutenant Governor who was also a pilot- why not a State Legislator who’s also a Flight Attendant?
While all of these changes in my professional life were taking place, I was also dealing with an extremely difficult personal transition as well. About a month after I submitted my application to become a Flight Attendant, my husband of one year decided he no longer wanted to be married. The full story is long and painful, but the short and graceful version is we are now no longer married and my life has really and truly never been better. Silver linings are real, y'all.
Just days after arriving at my base in Philadelphia I went on what was supposed to be a casual date with a nice young teacher in this exciting new city- and we’ve been dating ever since because he’s absolutely wonderful. Granted, he foiled my plans of having a jetsetting personal life with a boyfriend in every city, but I’ve managed to forgive him for that. 
So why did I become a Flight Attendant? I like traveling and I like people. Why do I want to stay a Flight Attendant? All that and so much more. This new life has been incredible so far, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.